Speculative Design


Project about experimental exploration of the confirmation of one’s own existence in space for the Munich Creative Business Week in 2019.

Communication processes

How do we react to environments in which we cannot communicate clearly?

What are the consequences of perceptual deprivation in this context and what conclusions can be drawn regarding communication?

Cooperation project with Julia Obermaier, Johannes Maas

My responsibility: Concept & Design

MCBW Exhibition | Hochschule München | Master Advanced Design 




  • Nullpunkt creates a “Ganzfeld Effect”: a space that no longer has any visual reference points due to its uniformity.

  • These non-existent signals lead to false impulses in perception. Hallucinations occur.

  • The reference back to communication shows similar disturbances as misinterpretations.

Inside view of the sphere


Exhibition view | MCBW 2019


Dialogical Process

The perception of one’s
own existence in space

Daniela Schneider

User Interface | Visual Design

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Daniela Schneider

User Interface | Visual Design

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Daniela Schneider

User Interface | Visual Design

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